3-Step Coffee Detox Plan to Give Your Adrenals a Break

You may have heard of the phrase, “There is no such thing as too much coffee.” Well, that’s untrue; there is a limit to everything, and with certain health conditions, caffeine needs to be out of your daily routine.
It sounds bitter and harsh, but once you stay strong and survive the coffee detox, you will feel a lot better, and you don’t depend on caffeine to wake up and function.
We can sense you frowning with your ‘yeah right’ smile, but as coffee enthusiasts, we have been there, and now being on the other side, we can tell it feels way better without drinking coffee.
What Caffeine Does in the Body
Coffee is a great beverage consumed by the average human every day. Some humans cannot function without the caffeine kick in the morning. Coffee has antioxidant properties that are great for your body, liver functions, diabetes, weight loss, fatigue, and decreased inflammation.
But did you know caffeine can have adverse effects on your health?
That’s true; depending on your health, one cup of coffee in moderation may not bother you. But every cup later contributes to hypertension, irritability, tiredness, mood swings, palpitations, fatigue, headaches, anxiety, blood pressure, and dehydration.
As you consume caffeine, every cup puts your adrenal in overdrive, and by the end of the day, you are overspent and over-exhausted for putting your body through so much stress.
Often people with hypertension symptoms are told to quit caffeine, which is when they think about going for a complete coffee detox.
Caffeine Addiction: How to Know When It’s Time for a Break
Here are some of the common symptoms to know its time to say goodbye:
Increased Anxiety: You will notice you are often on the edge, worried, and there are frequent panic attacks. Caffeine cannot always be the culprit; some people have a sensitive threshold for caffeine content per day. On average, having 1000 milligrams daily is a lot of caffeine and can result in nervousness, jitters, difficulty concentrating, and extreme dehydration.
Insomnia: After a sleepless night, many people compensate by having too much caffeine. It will keep giving your mind and adrenal the kick you are looking for, but then you will be overspent by the end. Also, if you drink too much coffee later in the day, chances are, you will have trouble falling asleep as caffeine remains in your system for about five hours and more.
Upset Stomach: By nature, caffeine is acidic. It can trigger gastroesophageal reflux in some. Also, coffee is a natural laxative, many people rely on it to accelerate bowel movement, but too much caffeine can take an ugly turn and result in diarrhea or intestinal discomfort.
Withdrawal Symptoms: This is the classic sign of caffeine dependence. You are developing caffeine dependence if you are moody and groggy in the morning without a cup of coffee. Usually, a person can feel fresh after a morning jog, a good breakfast, or a morning cup of tea.
Withdrawal Symptoms
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Irritability
- Low level of energy
- Anxiety
- Constipation
- Jitters
- Difficulty in concentration
Benefits of Quitting Coffee
Save Some Bucks
When you are a coffee drinker, you spend a week on coffee. As you are out and about for work, you stop by coffee stores to get your caffeine fix.
Let’s say an average cup of coffee costs three dollars. Even if you are buying one cup a day, on average, you are spending fifteen dollars a week, assuming you aren’t buying on weekends.
Then if you keep adding and multiplying, you will learn you are spending a great deal on coffee per year, assuming you buy only one cup daily.
Oral Health
Drinking a lot of coffee and tea is bad for oral health. Coffee leaves a stain on your teeth, erodes the enamel, and develops bad breath.
You can always substitute the drink with smoothies, herbal teas and keep yourself hydrated.
Improves Mental Health
Coffee contributes to a lot of mental stress. Firstly, when you have more than one cup of coffee later in the day, you have trouble falling asleep. Then the next day, you compensate for the lack of sleep with more coffee, resulting in higher doses of caffeine.
As a result, too much coffee gives you anxiety, headache, and jitters, and you lose concentration. Over time, these problems build up and bring massive changes in your personality.
No one takes their travel coffee mug around. Hardly one in thirty people would try to take their travel mug around to reduce paper wastage. These cups are gradually accumulating and adding strain to the environment.
Think of it like Great Thunderberg. When you quit coffee, you stop buying from coffee shops and are not adding more trash. Win-win!
Quitting Cold Turkey | 3-Step Coffee Detox
Now that you realize your caffeine consumption is costing your mental and physical health let’s sort out this problem. Most people quit instantly. Meaning one day, you decide to have your last coffee. That includes all caffeinated beverages – hot and cold.
We don’t recommend doing that. We like to plan things, so you have planned everything to make this coffee detox successful. Here are some things you need to remember:
Step 1 – Decaf Coffee
These coffees may have some levels of caffeine. This is the reason why you are not feeling those real caffeine withdrawals. First, you need to check how much content of caffeine the decaf coffee has. We recommend trying the decaf blend with the least caffeine levels to simplify this process.
Step 2 – Replace Coffee
When you start the reduce caffeine consumption, stock your pantry and fridge. Include herbal tea, dandelion root infused tea, green tea, black tea, yerba mate, smoothies, and multivitamins.
Smoothies are rich in nutrients and vitamins and will give you a kick start to your day. It may not feel instant like coffee, but it works the charm, slow but sure.
Herbal teas like dandelion roots flush your kidney and liver of toxins, making your overall health better. Include a fiber-rich diet and roasted chicory root because your bowels have been used to the caffeine giving the push. Constipation is an instant sign of caffeine withdrawal.
Try to include work out like jogging, yoga, or working out in other forms to give your adrenal the kick it needs to start the day.
Working out gives you the dopamine rush you constantly get from caffeine intake. And nothing would help more than drinking water. Set alarms on your phone and drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Step 3 – Find a Buddy
It is a complex process to stop drinking coffee. But you can do it with a friend. Find a person to be with you on this journey to coffee detox. You can both rely on each other to check for any relapse.
If someone is with you on this, it will be easier. You can ask each other if you want to drink coffee or what you can do instead. You will finish this detox process in no time, and your body will thank you.
Alternate of Cold Turkey
We get it; quitting caffeine is not easy. Especially when you have a hectic schedule. Instead, there are so things you can do to wean off slowly.
First, you must identify how much caffeine you take in a day. With that information, you can devise a plan. Start by writing down how many cups of coffee you consume daily.
Begin by replacing 20% of the caffeine intake with coffee alternatives. It can be decaf coffee, green tea, herb tea, black tea, and smoothies.
If you swap coffee with these alternatives, you will not feel that jolt. You will be taking caffeine regularly but in slightly lesser quantities.
As you ease into this new regimen, try to remove more caffeine from your daily consumption and replace it with coffee alternatives. Energy drinks and pain relievers make matters worse. Try not to have much of those when you are on the slow detox plan.
Try to include hot water and lemon in your routine. It will flush all the toxins from the digestive tract and reduce the chances of liver disease, which is possible with high caffeine intake.
After a few days of slow detox, pick a slow weekend to try going without caffeine. This will not make your central nervous system scream as it would be on abruptly quitting it. Even the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal will be mild. As you go caffeine-free, drink lots of water.
Parting Thoughts
There comes a time when consuming caffeine becomes a problem for your health. Besides its various health benefits, you would start seeing signs of high blood pressure, irritability, reduced energy levels, panic attacks, and anxiety over the roof.
You will rely heavily on over-the-counter medications to ease these new health conditions. Instead, you can either decide to reduce consumption or try to stop taking your regular coffee.
First, you must analyze how many cups of coffee you consume daily. The body doesn’t adjust to sudden caffeine withdrawal if the number is high. But if your daily coffee varies between one to two cups, chances are your body adjusts to change quickly suddenly.
All in all, it takes two to nine days of resilient restraint, and you will thank yourself one day for doing this for yourself. When caffeine free, you will feel a lot better.

Rahul is a nutritionist and personal trainer with 3+ years of experience in the field of health coaching. He specializes in nutrition science, with a keen eye for how food choices, lifestyle habits, and physical activity impact our bodies.Â